Jul 1, 2004

Do's and Don'ts for Hiring Managers

From the Inc.com article:

Too many bosses rely on gut instinct in their hiring decisions, says William C. Byham, chairman and CEO of Development Dimensions International. A disciplined approach is better. Here are Byham's top Do's and Don'ts.

1. Focus on the right stuff. Pinpoint specific skills necessary for
success in the job. Frame interview questions to reveal whether the
candidate has what it takes.
2. Dig up the past. Get specific examples of how a candidate has
handled different situations at work.
3. Realize that three heads are better than one. Ask colleagues to
interview a candidate and share their findings with you.
4. Put your candidate at ease. You'll get better answers and make a
good impression.
5. Seek a balanced view. No candidate is as perfect as you hope he is.
Seek a frank discussion of strengths and weaknesses.

1. Be an amateur shrink. Focus on specific examples of specific
behaviors, not personality assessment.
2. Ignore job interest. Poor motivation is a leading cause of turnover.
3.Rush. Managers who fill an opening too quickly almost always regret it.
4. Take insufficient notes. Relying on memory gives the first and last
candidates an unfair advantage.
5. Place too much emphasis on a single skill. Avoid the "halo effect,"
i.e., when one outstanding accomplishment overshadows something less

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