Mar 16, 2006

As a manager, you better know...

...what microinequities are, and not do them !

Part pop psychology, part human-resources jargon, the term microinequities puts a name on all the indirect offenses that can demoralize a talented employee.


  1. Gautam,
    I need to contact you.Need some advice.Please let me know an email id where I can reach you.

    Indian Blogger

  2. well its so dammn true...recently i was getting interviewed by the CEO of a big ticket cmp..this gentlman kept working on his comp (he did ask me b4 hand ) ..while I took him through my profile...was amongst the worst interviews ive given...even though the outcome has been positive..I m not sure that I would like to work with him..all coz of 'microinequities'
