Sep 16, 2006

I got myself a laptop an Acer TravelMate 2424

While I've worked in HP and Dell, and have used a ThinkPad in another job, price was the most important criteria in my current avatar.

So I went for a good brand which is considerably cheaper. An Acer TravelMate 2424, it comes with 40 GB hard disk, 256 MB RAM, Celeron M, DVD/CD-RW combo, 14.1 inch wide screen and wireless LAN.


  1. bump up the RAM mate! and yeah ACER makes a lot of heat - have some eggs ready to fry :-)

  2. yaa ..not ur best decision ..on the brighter side..winterz wud b real plesant..u shd have asked...thinkpad is the best bet

  3. Acer has come a long way, in the last few years. Celeron might be challenge. See if you can upgrade

  4. Same here, but different model of TravelMate.

    One of the reason I came across for switch is the over heating trouble with HP notebooks. Acer handles it nicely.

    Also, after using for a while can you post a quick review about its performance? Though 256M and Celeron appear to be potential bottlnecks for performance, reality might be different.

  5. hi gautam
    i want to buy a laptop in the range 25000-30000 INR. I want to use it
    for java programming , listening songs, web browsing.
    what do u suggest the ACER TRAVELMATE or some other....
    ur help would be highly appreciated....
    thanks in advance..
