Sep 1, 2006

Types of Consultants

Consulting Seminar: Types of Consultants,

This page succintly classifies the types of consultants that there are and therefore the various types of consulting approaches. But, hey, you don't have to be only one ! One could shift gears depending on the the type of client and the engagement. Yes, it would be expected that a person is comfortable in one of the types.

Hmm, now which one would I be, I wonder?

"Generalist vs. Specialist -- A generalist educational consultant, for example, might work with the superintendent in a school district to help develop strategies for cutting costs or redirecting money to individual schools. A specialist, however, will focus work on a specific area of expertise. A specialist might consult with a school district to make a CD-ROM to help special education teachers learn new laws and regulations pertaining to students.

Custom vs. package -- Custom consultants believe that each client is unique and spend time designing interventions and solutions for every organization even though she might have worked with 10 others in the same area. Package consultants develop generic approaches that will meet general client needs and deliver these solutions to clients. An example of package consulting would be mediation training that would be delivered the same way to a state agency as it would to a high-tech company.

Diagnostic vs. implementation -- A diagnostic consultant will try to find the sources of problems. She may offer solutions, but her relationship with the client will end with a clear description of the problem and possibly some suggested solutions. An implementation consultant focuses on helping organizations change. This person calls attention to the problems and helps the organization focus on the processes that need to be revised, deleted or implemented to bring about change. "

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