Nov 14, 2006

Leader Member Exchange

I had first heard about In-groups in the context of the Leader Member Exchange theory.

Charu describes a manifestation of such a process which she labels "Sutta-Bonding" :-)

Becoming a member of the Leader's in-group is a tricky political thing, and is a double edged sword. Often when leaders leave the new leader either marginalises the earlier in-group or replaces it with his or her own in-group.

The causes for formation of such an in-group might be visible (like people who like smoking together) or more ingrained in social biases (like a similar worldview). For being an effective leader it becomes imperative to constantly be inclusive and get view-points of people not in the in-group to get a diverse perspective.

How does your organization define diversity and inclusion?

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more with the "sutta bonding" phenomenon. Most times I have always received "pearls of wisdom" from my superiors when they are at "it"!
    I would think every organization has its own set of silos, other than the more popular smoker vs non smoker, there are - boss's favourites vs others,loud-mouths vs the silent few, late workers vs the timely departers.....
    Cheers :)
