Feb 23, 2007

Why HR professionals don't get employer branding

Because they are not marketers, apparently.

Their human resource professionals still simply meet with job applicants and fail to provide good reasons to come on board. HR departments need to field marketing and salespeople.

Organisations need a very focused brand vision with a supporting brand message. This then drives how the organisation deals with each employee in all aspects of the relationship and how it communicates, both internally and externally.

I have seen recruiters have a very sales orientation. However, a marketing orientation is missing. How would HR professionals use the 4 Ps of marketing?


  1. HR Professionals or for that matter most professionals in India today are getting into a 360 degree mode. However, this is still in a transition phase and there still needs to be a lot more interaction intradepartment to actually enable an HR guy to have a sales or mktng orientation and vice versa.
    Also, it depends a lot on theb degree a person is involved in his job

  2. Hey, Adil Malya has a wonderful speech on HR and employer branding. Have you seen it?
