Sep 19, 2007

Indian youth - No cause to fret

I guess every generation thinks that the one following it is careless and indisciplined. See how the boomers react to Gen X and how Gen X reacts to Gen Y or the Millenials as they are called.

The generation who were students in India in the 1970s often say that today's generation is no longer looking for anything else apart from their own personal self-gratification. Not so, says this HT journalist in this article:

The majority of the youth is neither hedonistic nor irresponsible. Barring the two per cent who dominate Page 3, many actually aspire to be changemakers, and are disturbed by the growing inequities.

Take the recent four-part series titled India GenNext aired on a news channel. The survey of youthful aspirations and solutions for India, at arguably some of India’s top B-schools — IIM (Ahmedabad) ISB (Hyderabad), FMS ( Delhi) and XLRI (Jamshedpur) — was heartening. Cutting across regions and income-groups, the key issues disturbing India’s brightest were poverty, illiteracy and health. In an impassioned group discussion, they highlighted the urgent need for inclusive growth. In fact, they coined a new term — Personal Social Responsibility — rather than the jaded Corporate Social Responsibility. Many rued the fact that corporate India’s top-down approach wasn’t working, as it left many out in the cold. The anchor of the series, herself a B-school grad, was stunned by the response. Their first reaction was: “These are issues we would love to talk about. We are sick of giving bites on reservation and the highest placements in our college. Nobody ever asks us these questions.” Sadly, the media seldom asks the right questions.

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