Sep 19, 2009

This Blog has moved to a new URL

Hi, I finally bit the bullet and bought a domain name and from immediate effect this blog would be available there.

So if you've added this blog to your link lists/blogrolls, please update the link :-)

Apart from that you have to not do anything else.

If you're reading this blog using the RSS feed then the new posts would be redirected (thanks Blogger/Feedburner) and even the old URLs should hopefully be working and be redirected :-)

This was done using Google/Blogger's custom domain service buying the domain through Blogger itself, and I got a free Google Apps account with it too :-)

Quite painless - specially for someone as technologically challenged as me.

Yes, I am a little scared about things like - will I build my PageRank back to 5 - and will the number of inbound links and Technorati authority - but I figured that sometimes you just have to let go of all the laurels of the past and chart a new course - and I am feeling excited for the future!