Nov 7, 2010

Sexual Harassment in the Knowledge Workplace

Sexual harassmentImage via Wikipedia
I was stunned to read this report in the Hindustan Times one day.

A pioneering survey by the NGO Centre for Transforming India has found evidence of rampant sexual harassment of women employees even in the classy, knowledge-driven environs of the Indian information technology and information technology-enabled services (IT/ITES) industries. It also reveals that
though most IT/ITES companies have some sort of mechanism for dealing with such offences, large numbers of women employees are unaware of them and the guidelines too are not strictly followed. 
See the numbers here It says that 88% of women have faced harassment by male colleagues and 50% have faced extreme harassment.  82% of incidents happened outside office premises and a majority said (72%) that the perpetrators were superiors. An overwhelming number (91%) did not report it due to fear of being victimised.

Such statistics are mind numbing and I am flabbergasted that organizations are still not recognizing that not making female employees safe and secure would hurt their competitiveness in the long term.

What do you think organizations should do to make women feel safer and ways to eradicate this menace?

Leave your comments and ideas below.
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