Mar 15, 2011

The 4 kinds of Learning

As a HR professional one always thinks of training but as I mentioned before, learning is a much more broader term. I came across this interesting article which focusses on the different kinds of learning. I've blogged about connectivism before and I suspect would hear more about it in the future.

Here are the 4 kinds of learning

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1. Connectivism

Connectivism is a learning theory for the digital world, where information is constantly changing and updating. Developed by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, this big idea is based on networks and on community, which is defined as “a clustering of similar areas of interest that allows for interaction, sharing, dialoguing and thinking together.”

2.Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning—acquiring knowledge and skills through working with others—goes against the traditional model of pushing instruction on to audience members. This big idea assumes that learning is active, social and constructive.

3. Situated Learning

This model, developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, proposes that effective learning occurs through the same activities, context and culture in which it will be applied. Further, that learners take on the sensibilities and beliefs of the community of practice in which they immerse themselves, so that enculturation happens seamlessly. This contrasts with the traditional approach to learning, which typically occurs separate from where the learned performance will take place.

4. Informal Learning

This big idea is based on the fact that people are naturally designed for learning. Infants and children are compelled to explore, discover and experiment; adults learn more outside of structured programs at work, home and play than through formal means.