Mar 14, 2011

Social Intranet: Collaboration in the social context of Enterprise 2.0 using Qontext

The week before last I was given a demo by the folks at Qontext on their social intranet and social sales product.

While the product itself was good, what was the deal clincher for me was the ability that Qontext has of integrating with browser based business applications. Jay Pullur, the CEO, shared that they have developed a technology which enables them to embed Qontext in any such app. Currently they integrate well with business apps like Netsuite, Sugar CRM and Salesforce.

Qontext also acts as a great social intranet tool, building abilities of facebook, twitter, blogs and even email within itself, and HR folks who are looking at a social communication tool to engage employees. 

Jay says that collaboration has to be within the business object/app (or as JP says, in the systems of record) and that email is resorted to, when there are exceptions. Unless exceptions and the discussions around it are dealt within the context of the app, email will always be the preferred system of exchanging work related information. "It's just an Alt-Tab away" he says "However email discussions take attention away from the contextual business related discussions"

Here are two interesting videos that demonstrate what Qontext does in a collaborative selling method

Would Qontext be used by CRM tool vendors to fight the challenge of Salesforce's Chatter?

The sugarcon would be a good place to see the response

Disclaimer: Qontext paid for my ticket to Hyderabad to see their demo
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