May 27, 2011

Is Mobile Learning the future?

Well, I have always been sceptical of the term mobile learning. As someone who's had a grounding in traditional learning and development, I have seen how e-learning failed to live up to its hype. People started talking about "mobile learning" some 5 years ago, based on text messages.. and with the proliferation of apps and smartphones I think it is coming back, as a study by ASTD/i4cp survey respondents seem to be bullish about it:

· 57% said within the next three years, companies will design training programs to be accessed by mobile devices

· 55% have the internal expertise to design training systems accessible by mobile devices

· 47% will make use of smart phone apps for the purposes of learning

If that is the case, I would make a case for not content to be ported to mobile, but the ability to connect and share with fellow learners before and after the classroom event, that would be more valuable. And while this data may be for the US, I wonder how it would translate to the Asian markets where feature phones still rule, and smart phones are used only by corporate leaders.

What do you think?