Sep 19, 2006

My first gig as a freelancer

It came sooner than I expected. I was wishing I got some time to put my feet up after 12 years of combined work and studies, but it hadn't been even 2 weeks after my last working date at Deloitte, that Satyam called me if I could repeat the presentation I did in April (here and here)

This time the venue was different (the Satyam office in HiTec city, Madhapur) and I would be addressing some 30 people virtually who had logged in using a virtual class room software from Satyam offices in Chennai, Bangalore, Chennai and Bhubaneshwar.

The first thing about addressing a mixed audience of some people face to face and online is that is pretty unnerving. Now, I am a presenter who likes to be as unstructured as possible, but a distributed audience made it necessary for me to stick to the presentation as much as possible.

There were a couple of interesting questions on legal issues and copyright of ideas expressed on blogs (my response: Stick to the creative commons approach). There were also questions whether there was any Satyam blogging policy (Ans: there is. However, even if any organization does not have a specific blogging policy for employees, the policy on email communication and digital information sharing would hold common for blogging too)

Krishna Koneru (who is a colleague I had worked with when I was employed in Satyam 5 years ago) asked if VoIP could be integrated into blogs. I guess it should not be difficult for enterprise level systems to build that in. Even Google should be able to integrate Gtalk voice mail systems into if the blogger so desires in the future, IMHO!

1 comment:

  1. We did a Harvard Business Review case study on Blogs. It was titlted "Blogger in their midst". It showcased the importance of having a blogging policy.
