Oct 6, 2006

Be a survey evangelist

Rashmi and JAM need folks to evangelise their Engineering college survey.
We need 3-5 volunteers per state who can help with propogating the survey among the engineering college communities.

You should be:
- a well networked person with friends and contacts in many colleges
- someone who can beg, bully and cajole people into getting what you say done!

What you will have to do:
- Just spend a little of your time, from home, online in doing this work.

What you will get:
Right now - nothing in terms of money. This project is a labour of love. It's a project JAM is doing to help and guide students. A huge and formidable task which we have embarked on because someone has to do it.
So mail her at rashmi_b@yahoo.com if you are interested !

1 comment:

  1. Strange that they are not paying anything to the young guyz who'll do all the runnig around.
