Mar 1, 2007

Risks of Corporate Blogging

Patrix pointed me to this article yesterday and Praneeth to this one today. Synchronicity, I tell you :-) !

I agree with most of the points in both the articles.

As I told a journalist who asked me what my advice would be for corporates to utilise blogging:
"Organizations must answer these questions before they undertake blogging or any social media initiative: Can they be authentic? Can they embrace the conversation rather than dictate? Can they shift the mindset of "markets as a battlefield" to "markets are conversations"? Being honest and upfront is the only way to be.

Trying to manipulate or trick blog readers is not a good idea. It might lead to more blowback than gain. The purpose of the blog has to be crystal clear in the organizations mind. It should be a tool to generate conversation and influence. Mixing that with a sales pitch is a lack of integrity.

To anyone who wants to blog, you have to understand the philosophy behind it. Not the tool. Writing skills are very important. Ditching the corporate jargon will be a necessity. People have to be clear and humble. No matter if you are the CEO of a major corporation or the neighborhood barber. It's the age of the attention economy and being engaging is not a "nice to have" skill but a necessary one. Learn to connect. That's the currency of being successful in this medium


  1. I must appreciate your Blog!!I need your advice:
    I am working with one of the best Brands in the world but I'm not happy with the profile.I have completed my 8 months after my MBA.The profile is not adding any value to my resume nor to my knowledge. I am interested in a Business Analyst/Market Research/Consulting profile.I was advised not to leave the company untill and unless I have another job.But,in this case,I'm compromising with my career and myself.I am a fast learner and possess all the qualities to make it big and nothing can deter me to move ahead.Its just one opportunity that I need.Shall I leave this job???

  2. corporates must ask themselves how are they communicating with there target audience, potential there a need to improve that??

  3. SEOMoz is talking style, I was talking form and risk. Both are very important aspects of a corporate blog. Thanks for the link.

  4. Internet has defined and redefined (I will be writing this article for the first ever Blog magazine for non-blog readers in printed format), blog is a way of communication. As any other means it needs to be controlled, be it personal blog or corporate blog.

    Blog is a communication model where the author is given high importance. The value of a blog post = Value of the blogger x Time spent. If a CEO is writing the blog, the value goes high because of his own value. The more value, the bigger risk too.

    Tips for corporate blogging,
    1) Never use this method for answering specific customer query.
    2) Address in general.
    3) Be honest.
    4) If possible keep your corporate blogs under one domain for a better control.
    5) Remember it is a way of broadcasting.

    Look at Google bloggers, people can learn from them.
