Dec 25, 2008

Booz Allen Hamilton's free ebook Capturing The People Advantage

Here's a nice Christmas gift to HR (and others too!) professionals! You can get a free PDF ebook Capturing The People Advantage: Thought Leaders on Human Capital by authors at Booz & Company and Booz Allen Hamilton.

You can download it at

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The authors (Richard Rawlinson, a partner with Booz & Company based in London. Walter McFarland is a vice president with Booz Allen Hamilton based in Herndon, Virginia. Laird Post is a principal with Booz & Company based in San Francisco.) interviewed leading HR executives and academic experts in the United States, Europe and the Middle East and Asia to find the latest innovative people strategies in such areas as metrics capabilities, flexibility, “market segmentation” strategies for managing human capital, attracting and retaining talent through employer branding, future talent acquisition strategies, and leadership development and learning programs.

How can expanding multinationals train thousands of poorly educated citizens in India and China into a highly skilled workforce? What should an organization do when a government controlled monopoly is transformed at the stroke of a pen into a public company in one of the world’s most competitive industries? And how can a company adapt to a merger if not one of the company’s 20,000 employees has the same job? These are just some of the questions addressed Capturing The People Advantage.

Hope you enjoy it! I have downloaded it too and will share my thoughts soon :D

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