Oct 13, 2020

The main reasons employees are using the Mindhouse Mental Health

 Mindhouse is an app which is co-founded by Pankaj Chaddah and Pooja Khanna. Pankaj is also a co-founder of Zomato, one of India's biggest internet consumer stories. Pooja was one of Zomato's earliest employees.

Their new venture Mindhouse is positioned as a "workout for the mind" focusing on meditation and yoga.

When Pankaj reached out to me to help Mindhouse reach out to HR decision makers I asked him how many were using it, and for what purpose

His answer surprised me!

Of the 15,000 employees across 500 employers this is what they focused on most for using the app

Which is interesting because as work from home becomes normal, focus might suffer. So if you'd want your company to leverage the Mindhouse app for employee's mental wellbeing reach out to me at gautam dot ghosh at gmail and I'll connect you to the team at Mindhouse

Current corporate users are