Apr 27, 2007

PwC HR consulting Head to join iDiscoveri

This is big news.

Mohinish Sinha (featured earlier on this blog here), who heads the HR Consulting practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in India is leaving the big 4 firm to join iDiscoveri as a Managing Director. PwC lost its earlier HR consulting head Smita Anand to rival Hewitt Associates, who joined them as the country manager.

iDiscoveri seems to be beefing up its focus around leadership and transformations in organizations, as Mohinish gets his consulting experience from Andersen, the Hay Group and PwC there.

Led by Ashish Rajpal, iDiscoveri has traditionally focussed on promoting learning in schools, enterprise and communities. It would be interesting to see how its work in coaching and learning for the enterprise impacts the incumbent players.

1 comment:

  1. hi, Gautam
    where r u been missing for sometime now!
