Mar 12, 2009

Human Resources and Social Media

Some months ago I blogged about how to transform HR to HR2.0 . In this post I attempt to take these forward.

In connection with some client related consulting work I am catching up with storytelling, conversations and how they are relevant to organizations.

As I have posted earlier , sensemaking is a role that HR and OD professionals should take upon themselves. Terry posted more about the subject at Scott's blog.

The narrative or storytelling method is one of the best tools that human beings have to make sense of complexity. There are obvious drawbacks (simplistic business books is one unfortunate byproduct!) but the power of the method to help people make sense is amazing.

Stories can be used for a variety of organizational purposes. From learning to inspiring. See more at Stephen Denning's website .

Stories are passed from people to people by conversations.

That is why for HR2.0 social media can be a key tool to propagate a different mindset and culture. According to cluetrain  "markets are conversations" but as a colleague pointed out "organizations are conversations" too!

What we talk about organizations and what is talked about within organizations is what the organization morphs into. An organization in which conversations are primarily about seeking new possibilities becomes an innovative organization.

Social media can be not just the medium but the message itself if an organization really embraces the tenets of conversations and not just one way communication. As Seth Godin says , building and shepherding a tribe (or community) is what organizations need to be doing.

As custodian of the employment 'brand', as a HR manager/professional what is the tribe you want to steward?


  1. Great post Gautam. You're right in saying that HR can and should take an active role in managing change in today's workforce.

    Being able to distill vast amounts of information into a clear directive for organizational members will help in many ways. It will help reinforce the vision, mission statement, and values of the organization. It should also help translate this information into clear goals and objectives to achieve the desired results.

  2. Nice follow-up post Gautam. I've featured your post in my weekly Rainmaker 'Fab Five' blog picks of the week (found here: to keep my readers up with the fast changing world of HR 2.0

    Be well Gautam!

  3. If only all HR managers apply your concept, I'm sure no employee will leave her employer to look for greener pasture. Nothing can beat job satisfaction taken from a well planned and a homey company. Sad to say, reality is different.
