Paycheck is a joint venture between Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and Information Technology Professionals Forum of India (ITPF), Bangalore and WageIndicator Foundation. WageIndicator Foundation is a joint initiative of FNV - Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions, the University of Amsterdam/AIAS (Institute of Labour Studies) and career website
Paycheck aims to solve the problem of lack of high quality, reliable data on wages by giving an insight into the earnings of working people.
Its focus is on answering your question: ‘am I paid what I should get?’
To get an accurate indication of salaries paid in different occupations, your participation is very important.
This salary indication service is available to every visitor of the website free of charge. It is really: “from the people for the people”. People who contribute data by completing the questionnaire do so anonymously.
Completing the online questionnaire takes between 10-20 minutes.
Paycheck website with its “salary checker”
• helps employers determine the wage levels and plan a strategy for
compensation of their workforce.
• provides individual employees with insight in wages paid in large
number of occupations in their country or region, and
• helps activists /NGOs reach stronger negotiating positions.
Looks like it's just at the starting phase, but as the number of people sharing the information grows it might begin to become more and more transparent and valuable.
Go ahead, fill the survey, you might even even an iPod!
Thanks Gautam. It was pretty useful to check this piece.