Jun 1, 2006

Google Notepad

Google Notepad seems like a great tool for people like me who want to pick up snippets of information when browsing and want to retrieve it later. I don't use Google Desktop Search, because of security concerns that my IT folks told me about, so the notebook is a great idea, specially when I am travelling without my notebook PC (is that why they named it the notebook?)

It would be great if the notebook/notepad is integrated along with Blogger, it can be a great tool for blogging !

Have you noticed that Blogger is one of the acquired tools that Google has not tried to integrate too much into the google accounts?

Is that a good thing or bad?


  1. Can you please elaborate on what are the security concerns regarding Google Desktop.BTW,Blogger is integrated with the Google Toolbar.There is an option called "Blog This."

  2. Actually, you have it backwards. Google Notepad *always* saves to your Google account on the internet, while Google Desktop can be configured to never save data on Google's servers. Your IT people need to look beyond the FUD and read up.

  3. Great tool really ... I am hardly organizing my personal google notepad but u should try Google spreadsheet
    another great tool

  4. google have just launched a new beta version of blogger which requires a google account and seems to be much more intergrated.

