Oct 3, 2006

Challenges for small town employers

AK Menon who's recently started a blog (disclosure: I am helping him set it up) blogs about the challenges that employers in smaller towns like Goa and Vizag face when hiring people.

My thinking is that once smaller towns have a critical mass of organizations in any industry, they would find it easy to hire people. No longer are we in an age where a town was defined by a large employer, like Tatanagar, Bhilai or Bokaro.

An employer set up a site in Chandigarh thinking they could get workforce from Delhi and the National Capital Region at a fraction of the cost of setting a workplace up in Gurgaon or Noida.

They were in for a rude shock, as attrition levels shot up as Chandigarh residents joined the office and then after gaining some experience moved to Delhi in droves. Somehow cost of living expenses took a backseat to the excitement of working in Gurgaon and getting a higher salary.

So the firm is now setting up another office in Gurgaon.

1 comment:

  1. A few months back here at Mysore one of the hiring managers for a outsourcing Co had the same woes.The fresh graduates who could not hope to be absorbed in Bangalore joined lower rung Cos here to pick up experience and then move to bangalore...the attraction for the Metros is undeniable and better be accepted as reality.
