Feb 18, 2007

Writing a novel with an Orkut community

Abhijit Bhaduri the HR head of Frito Lay India and the novelist of the 1980s set MBA novel "Mediocre But Arrogant", also a blogger, is trying out a novel experiment to write the sequel to MBA. [Jabberwock covered it in this article, and you can find my review of the novel here]

On the Mediocre but Arrogant community on Orkut, Abhjit posted a message inviting anecdotes and story ideas from the community members on how they would like to see the protagonist grapple with life and love in corporate India.

I want to build the sequel to "Mediocre But Arrogant" with this community. So if you have friends who want to participate in this live experiment, feel free to invite them to the community. If the idea fits in to the story in part or fully you will see it in print in the sequel and I will acknowledge your contribution in the preface.

A novel web 2.0 approach to write a novel.

If you are interested in giving Abhijit some story ideas you know where to head.

[Update: You can do it via his blog too here] Ah, he's giving me credit for the idea :-)

1 comment:

  1. Guatam,

    That's a great idea to see someone trying to write their book online with community. Have you see the "We Are Smarter Than We" project? They are attempting to write a book using a wiki about how social networking communities will effect business.
