Mar 14, 2007

AK Menon gets quoted

Fellow blogger AK Menon, who as regular readers might know, is a client of mine too, has been quoted in the Indian Express newspaper as an example of how blogging can help differentiate one's business in a crowded competitive field. As it says:

Hyderabad-Based Achyut Menon runs a recruitment agency that specialises in
providing jobs to Indians returning from abroad. With hundreds of firms offering
such services countrywide, Menon realised he could cut through the clutter only
by creating a unique “buzz” about his services. He started an interactive blog
that sought to address queries on topics like work culture and emerging sectors
in India. This soon began receiving a stream of enquiries from not only
job-seeking NRIs but also international recruitment firms.

Oh, by the way, the article quotes yours truly too ;-))

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, for being quoted. Your blog deserves it.
