Mar 1, 2008

Sexual harassment claims filed by men

Interesting trend watch by i4cp:

-Sexual harassment claims by men have risen from 11.6% in 1997 to 15.4% in 2007
-This harassment comes from both men and woman; from other men, it's not necessarily homosexual intent, but rather men putting other men down "who fail to conform to masculinity norms"
-The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition suggests expanding to "Gender harassment" and other terms to be more inclusive.

More here.

I wonder what the corresponding figures would be for India?

1 comment:

  1. looks like more work for lawyers and busybody HR workers. These issues have very little meaning here and only serve to distract and perhaps trivialize the only horrific form of harassment which women undergo from the time they step out to work in the morning to the time they come back home.
