Jul 3, 2008

The Organization Effectiveness Simulator

from Booz & Co. Interesting piece of simulation (via Prolificd on Twitter) 

Check here to take the simulation if you can decide which one of these types does your organization belong to.

According to a related article on the Booz website:

Over 3,100 businesspeople have already completed Booz Allen's online evaluation, which is available at www.orgdna.com. Almost half (48%) of the responses have come from senior or middle management, and the industries best represented are professional services (21%) and software (11%). Companies of a broad range of sizes are represented, with 38% of respondents working for companies that have annual revenues of $500 million or more.
The diagnostic tool found "passive-aggressive" to be the most common corporate type, at 32%. Such an organization seems congenial, even conflict-free, yet still resists meaningful change. "This is the 'everyone agrees but nothing changes' organization," said Booz Allen Senior Vice President, Gary Neilson. "Building a consensus to make major changes is no problem; it's implementing them that proves difficult. Line employees tend to ignore mandates from headquarters, assuming 'this too shall pass.' In such an apathetic organization, instituting change is like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall."
The next most common corporate type is "overmanaged" at 18%, with bureaucracy and politics hindering action. The "outgrown" organization, which does not expand decision-making authority to match its size, was the least common type, at only 2%.

The diagnosis tool is here if you want to take that survey too.

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