Aug 21, 2008

Free ebook on recruitment

Mohan Kannegal, co-founder of MeritTrac services sent me an email recently that said:

I recently wrote an ebook titled "A Beginner's Guide To Recruitment". This is an ebook (at 45 pages more like a min-ebook! ) written specifically for students interested in joining HR/Recruitment roles in companies. This is an effort from my side to crystallize the learnings from my own experience processing job applications and make it available freely to students. The bbook is available as a free download on my blog -

My interest is in using the web to make sure the ebook reaches everyone who would be interested in it. I feel students interested in purusing recruitment and recruiters will benefit from the book. I looked up google to see who is the HR guru on the internet in India who can help in making this book available to a lot of people and your name came up. Is there anyway you can help me in making this book reach more people?

Well I don't know about being a HR guru. But the effort is truly laudable. You can download the pdf from this site. I went through the ebook and it would be useful even for startup companies who have a lone person taking care of recruitment and wondering how to streamline processes related to recruitment.


  1. I have downloaded and read this e-book , no doubt that it is very good , relevant and indicates at every page that it is written by experienced people and offer very practical advice.

    Though there is always room to improve , I think more such attempts by experienced in the particular field - with practical aspects will add immense value to the HR function.

  2. Hey there, great post.. I have another resource to recommend, you can download free ebooks, software at
    Lots of good stuff, check it out..

  3. Boss great book i appreciate your mentality to share knowlage thanks all the best
