Nov 30, 2008

Mumbai Attacks

The last three days have been a period of turmoil. I don't consider myself an emotional person (my MBTI profile is INTP , in case you want to know) but watching the Mumbai attacks unfold has been gut wrenching and heart-breaking.

In addition my mind has been trying to make sense of all this. And failing.

Then I remember that the human mind yearns for a simple solution, one explanation that explains everything. A simple formula to arrive at a definitive conclusion. In both personal as well as organizational and social issues.

We wish we could connect the dots and arrive at the root cause.

That's a fallacy. There is not one root cause. There are many. There is no linear connection. There are webs of complexity.

Which is not to say that solutions are impossible. Solutions are sometimes very visible and everybody knows what should be done. But it's the implementation that's fraught with danger.

As citizens of Mumbai and of India it's our duty to lead. Not just to vote and choose leaders. Each of us have to lead - be an example of the behavior we seek from others. To begin with what we can do. And then have the integrity to demand that behavior from others.

So what's the change you would like to see from this world? Can you be that change?


  1. My sis said a couple of days ago that she thought I was "emotionless". I assured her I wasn't.

    Things have changed in the last 3 days.I only hope we can keep it going. I am in it to win it.

  2. Mine is INFP , found many similarities with your profile.

  3. I just came across your blog. I look forward to reading more of your words.

  4. change is a big word..and with it you have posed a big question...what can we do and what are we doing? so far so, even i have been blaming our leaders and I would still hold on to my point...who do we vote? who do we consider capable enough? but with it I would also say that your question echoes my second thoughts...going beyond resilience and blaming...what are we doing for the country or to avoid these kind of bizarre happenings....all of us know that our politicians arn't doing much..are we doing anything in afraid I don't have an answer to that but it is ticking in my head...

  5. Individually on a personal level everyone needs to start being more sensitive and tolerant to each other, communities, corporations.The change would take place with this individual effort

  6. It was a cowardly act.

    Who should we blame - Government of India.

    After repeated warning the ignored this threat.

    I urge you to sign the foll petition

    Mumbai online Petition
