Jul 3, 2012

Completing 10 years of blogging

Gautam Ghosh speaking about Social Business
Gautam Ghosh speaking about Social Business (Photo credit: gautam ghosh)
This is my 2828th blog post on this blog, and this week I complete 10 years of blogging.

Blogging and later social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+) have effectively changed my life. I have interacted and connected with some amazing people across the world. My career has gone beyond the traditional HR career and I have added some skills that may seem to be weird.

This blog's URL has changed too :) And the template and colors I have used over the years - the topics I have blogged about have also changed over the years as my professional interests have evolved - from training and HR to consulting to social business.

Thanks for sticking through with me these last 10 years.
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