Mar 3, 2013

Crowdsourced: Indian Twitternagar's favorite bloggers

So I asked the Indian twitternagar for who was their favorite Indian blogger.

Here are the responses I have received until now:

Himanshu Kapadia said the late Rehab was his favorite blogger
Ruchi tells me her favorite bloggers are Meeta Sengupta, Abhijit Bhaduri and Manish Chauhan
Shreeharsha tweeted that his favorites were Nirmala (Whom I have followed also :), Sorav Jain, Vinaya Naidu, Jogi and Sandhya
Rajesh Dogra said his favorite blogger is Jyothi Menon
Vibgyor tweeted that his favorite blogger (and also mine) is my friend Gaurav Mishra
Shahid nominated the eminently readable commentary blog on Indian media, Churumuri.
Rimsha (from Pakistan) shared that Kiran Manral's blog is the only one she reads.
Rakesh Kumar nominated two of my favorite bloggers Manu Prasad and Karthik Srinivasan
Guillaume said that uber blogger Amit Varma's posts on poker made him his choice
Ashish Basu said that Nitin Gokhale (Security and Strategic Affairs Editor at NDTV) and Meeta Sengupta were his favorites
Pallavi shared that the Mad Momma, Sunny Days, Diptakirti (my fave Bollywood blog), Just a Mother of two, and Thirty Six And Counting