Jul 19, 2013

#CampusJournos review by @Social_Samosa

So the folks at Social Samosa reviewed the employer branding campaign we started a couple of weeks ago, and had good things to say about it :)

Amid the slew of campaigns on Facebook and Twitter, this campaign is like a breath of fresh air.  While its target audience is B-schools students its move to host the campaign on WordPress is revolutionary and outstanding. Crafting a story instead of voting or sharing pictures with friends calls for greater effort and true creativity, thus posing a challenge much needed by B-schools students. As managers tomorrow they will have to think of ways to be different and lead from the front, this contest gives them the opportunity to think and write, something which is becoming a lost art in the days of “cut, copy, paste”.As an employer branding initiative seeking to change the way budding employees across B-schools in India view Philips, this campaign is definitely a pioneering one. Breaking away from Facebook and Twitter, moving to WordPress.com might be the beginning of a new trend in digital marketing by brands.  A bold move one would say as most youth across India spend a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter but certainly one that is likely to pay off by targeting the right audience!

Some facts so far:

No external agency involved.
Run totally in-house
No “ad spends”. Only cost so far - a $299 Wordpress upgrade and prizes for the winners.

Number of entries by 15  days – 400
Number of unique visitors – 37000 unique visitors
Total page views – 112k+

And the FB likes have gone up by 100% from 2000 two weeks ago J Totally organic!