Jul 16, 2013

Learning Records Store: Capturing how people learn #socbiz

A classroom in Hraðbraut
A classroom in Hraðbraut (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I've blogged earlier about the challenges L&D in organizations face.

I first heard about the 70-20-10 model in 2004, which says that 10% learning happens in classroom, 20% by coaching and mentoring and 70% is on the job.

If that is the case, why do organizations spend money and time on the 10% and ignore the 70%?

IMHO, that's because organizations don't believe that they can control or even the visibility to the 70% learning.

But what if they can? With social business activity streams that collate what an employee does at work, there is a new concept emerging. The Experience API (xAPI) or Tin Can API as it is known is hoping to track what an employee does that contributes to learning and store in a Learning Records Store, as distinct from the Learning Management Systems that we have today. In fact, many feel that this is the next version of learning standard (which is SCORM, currently), and will capture "social learning" a lot better.

More about the Experience API here.

It's a fascinating growth for the learning community and I hope to be following this closely as well as hoping to implement this sometime in the future. Do let me know if you're experimenting with the xAPI too.
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