Mar 27, 2014

Research on Social Learning by Saba and HCM Advisory Group

The folks at Saba and HCM Advisory Group did a survey of Social Learning practices at organizations and they released some interesting findings.

Some Key Findings were:

  • Learning is a driver: 65.7 percent of organizations are using social technologies for learning to some extent. 
  • Social learning supports the learning culture: 63.9 percent of organizations are motivated to use social learning to support a culture of learning. 
  • Discussion and communication reign supreme: 59.5 percent of organizations are using discussion forums, 57.9 percent are using internal blogs, and 54.9 percent are using secure instant messaging to help employees communicate about products, answer questions and address learning at point of need.
  • Focus on communities of practice: Currently 53.3 percent of organizations are using social learning to support communities of practice, with 35.7 percent of organizations planning to develop communities of practice via social learning during the next two years. 
  • Adoption is a struggle for many organizations: Half of the organizations responding cite challenges with adoption and uptake by employees.
Here are some interesting findings