Jul 31, 2006

HR.com too mulling about India entry

India's on everybody's radar, and not just for outsourcing but as a market for HR services. After news that the HCI is entering India, comes the news that HR.com is looking to establish a presence in India.

I think this is good news for the HR community in India. With the range of competency building required to do, and the lack of trained talent available (read previous post) the gap will increasingly have to be filled not by traditional educational institutes, but these virtual forms of delivery which are more industry oriented.

My only scare is that the rigor in areas like Organizational Behavior (which is imperative for a HR professionals) is not lost in the rush to get certifications or superficial knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. how good is a law degree with a diploma in H.R.
    Shall be thankful
