Feb 22, 2008

How small business can leverage the Web

I was talking to a friend who offers marketing and branding services to the Small and Medium Enterprises sector in Delhi and I told her that she should start a facebook page for her firm, and that it's free to do so.

I then realised that sharing it here could help a lot more people. So if you go to the Facebook Business page and then click on Business Pages, you come to this page

Click on the button "Create a Facebook Page" highlighted below

You can then create a page either for local businesses, brand or product or artists, bands or public figures.

You can then get a page like this and people can write about your business and become its fans. It's great for SEO also as the page gets indexed and ranks fairly high on search engines.

Another way to build a good search engine rank for your blog page or firm is through Linkedin.

Most people put in links to their blogs using the generic Linkedin defaults, like this:However, one can instead name these links by going to "edit my profile" and then clicking the edit next to the websites. In the drop down menu choose "other" and then name the keyword you would want the search engine to track.
Since Facebook and Linkedin have very high page rank of 8 and 7 (in Google) and overall credibility across all search engines the link passes on the credibility for your blog and website too (that's what my SEO friends tell me)

So apart from SEM small businesses can use such measures to build their visibility.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gautam,

    Good advice for small businesses to increase their page rankings. I just did a quick check (using Page Rank in the Google Toolbar) to see if my individual pages on both Facebook and Linkedin would get a solid ranking (7/10). My personal page (and your) on Facebook got a disappointing 0/10 score! While the homepage of Facebook got a 7/10. However, my personal Linkedin page got a 7/10! I would link to both, but it looks like Linkedin might have more value in the SEO arena.

