Apr 10, 2009

Developing Yourself in the Downturn

When the economy slows and organizations are not making profits as much as they used to do (if at all!) then most probably people are not being sent to too many knowledge and learning development programs and seminars.

However as an employee you probably know that this time is critical to build and continue developing your existing skills - so how do you do it?

  1. Read a book: Ok, this is a personal favorite - but books are one of the best ways to develop at your own pace. The good parts are - you can delve on it for as long as you want - taking it along with you, and there is one book typically for each level of the organization - from the early career starter to the CXO level. A recommendation, read not just books directly related to your domain - but also related to other domains - including biographies of achievers. Sometimes inspiration can come from unexpected sources.
    • Idea: Make a group of book lovers like you - buy books and share the cost and reading time. Make a synopsis to crystallise your thoughts and enable others to learn from it too.
  2. Take on an additional assignment/project: Experimentation is key to learning and developing. One of the most potent way to develop is taking on an additional assignment that calls for new skills. Negotiate with your organization to do a project that is linked to the new role you want to aspire for. My guess is this economy organizations would be more than happy to have people to take on additional responsibilities. What really needs to be negotiated is how much you would be responsible for the project. Make the learning your priority - and negotiate and align your organization on that. 
  3. External Programs: All said and done external events like training or conferences are great to build new perspectives - learning is an incredibly social activity. However since your organization is probably cutting down on budgets for such events, here is what you can do
    • Identify the event/training you want to undertake
    • Communicate benefits to your manager and organization
    • Get the impact of the training by talking to earlier participants - people from your organization preferably - or external people - don't rely only on the organizers' promotional material
    • Commit to an outcome you will deliver to your organization after the training - like either sharing the knowledge with team members - or implementing learning by way of a project in a group - tying up the principles of 'knowing and doing' - this would let your organization view the fees as 'investment for the organization' rather than as 'expense for an individual's training'. Big difference.
  4. Read Blogs: If you are reading this then you probably don't need to be told this - however you need to do it smartly. Would recommend an RSS aggregator like Google Reader or FeedDemon. Blogs enable you to constantly discover new related content and get to know a practitioner's thoughts and ideas - for free! With offline capabilities Google Reader and FeedDemon would enable you to keep reading stuff on your notebook PCs during times when you are waiting for other things to happen. 
What are some of the ideas you'd have for developing an individual's knowledge, skills and abilities?


  1. For me, starting a blog has been a great way to build and maintain my skills. It requires planning, critical thinking, creativity, and a host of other skills. It also helped me to expand my network beyond what I would have accomplished through more traditional means. It's been a rewarding experience.

  2. Good points, GG. I would add, Learn from Others. Go meet with and talk to smart people in fields you'd like to learn more about. Offer to buy them a cup of coffee in exchange for their perspectives on topic x, y, or z.


  3. I believe recession has helped us apply brakes to the ramping workloads we had before.
    Simple things one can do at such times is pause and take a look around, try and understand things that you knew as they were but never bothered to find why they were so.

    So if one was only scratching before, take this opportunity to take a deep dive an understand the various business aspects you wanted to.
    And one can begin with tryiong to understand this with peers around (as they too will not have much work :) ).

    Org level knowledge sharing/ best practice sharing needs to be encouraged more than ever before now

  4. Gautam! What can I say, I've really been digging your blog lately - keep up the good work! I've chosen your post as part of my weekly Rainmaker 'Fab Five' blog picks of the week (found here: http://www.maximizepossibility.com/employee_retention/2009/04/the-rainmaker-fab-five-blog-picks-of-the-week-1.html) to share your thoughts with my readers.

    Be well Gautam!

  5. Great post. A fine answer to my mother's favorite question: "What good can we make of this?"

  6. Great ideas, Gautam. Another strategy is to mentor a younger colleague. It's a great way to refresh/reconnect with the basic building blocks of your career field and you may even learn something from your mentee. It could be a fresh new perspective on a stale idea.

    Bonus: Mentoring is also a great way to get the bosses' attention, up your ante in the workplace, and "recession-proof your career."

  7. Quick note: You're featured in this week's RiseSmart Weekly Roundup, alongside Dan McCarthy, Rowan Manahan, etc. Thanks for your work! http://tinyurl.com/c57w3z
