See how some recruiters are looking for people - thereby bypassing the paid "jobs" feature of
Signs of the recession?
Obviously this is useful only when people have sufficiently large networks - and a lot of recruiters ensure that their networks are large by showing off they are open networks by keeping an acronym LION next to their name - LION standing for LinkedIn Open Networkers - and also keeping their email ids visible to people to connect on their own.
Nice service for job-seekers - though I don't know how Linkedin views these - as they're obviously cutting Linkedin's ability to make money.
I am pretty sure that the number of users registering and actively using LinkedIn has also increased. As "networking" is a safe option during a slowdown, people want to be sure that they are on linkedin- it is much easier than picking up the phone and calling that old contact of yours with whom one has not bothered to speak for a long time.