Feb 27, 2013

The #IndiaHRchat on Twitter. Why you should participate

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase
For those people not on Twitter, here's an introduction to Twitterchats. A Twitterchat is a conversation centered around a topic which is tracked by a hashtag (denoted by a # sign followed by the name) - So #indiaHRchat would be a twitter chat. This was taken up by Tanvi Gautam (Singapore based consultant) and almost a month ago she hosted the first such chat with special guest Abhijit Bhaduri (Chief Learning Officer - Wipro) on the topic of social media for L&D.

Today evening is the second Twitter chat that Tanvi is hosting - this time the guest is Anand Pillai, Chief Learning Officer of Reliance Industries, and he would be talking on Personal Branding for HR professionals.

The great thing about Twitter chats is that they are not a one on one conversation and that anyone can participate. The open nature of Twitter makes it possible for even people who did not know about it to get involved.

So if you're on Twitter and interested in the topic, join us today from 7 pm IST.

Here's what happened at Abhijit's Twitter chat.

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