Dec 25, 2006

Dumping Traditional Research

AK Menon gets to listen to the most powerful business woman in the world, during a conference at the Great Lakes Institute at Chennai. In a post titled Global Mindset-Indian roots he says:
"Ms Nooyi commended the institute for having among its curriculum- a course in speaking Chinese Mandarin for students-as a right step in preparing to make a mark in the globalised economy. She also felt it was time for academia and research to come with more contemporary methods of ‘predicting future behaviour’ of consumers, by observation, and ethnography & dumping the traditional methods of qualitative research!"
Am sure that would elicit some response (of agreement) from Dina and Charu :-)

1 comment:

  1. Whatever happened to those days when you could sit under a tree in the village square and talk village lingo, and still get by perfectly? :)
